Picture it & Write – The Perfect Mannequin

picture it & write


I was a model’s inspiration

and a child’s fancy

He dressed me in pink, red and blue

to welcome a sea of new faces

I donned a new hat each day,

floated in admiration,

a perfect silhouette,

every woman’s envy

but when he beheld a small crack

in my perfection,

he confined me to the trash room

And what was this slimy substance

poured on me?

I stood whimpering

as a new girl now decorated the entrance

Written for Ermilia’s Picture it & Write

22 thoughts on “Picture it & Write – The Perfect Mannequin

  1. I was actually thinking about a mannequin last night as I was reading through some of the submissions and trying to create a tutu for a race in February (I’m a fantastic multi-tasker). I’ll admit though, my mind went a little further down the gutter having recently watched an episode of Taboo that covered unconventional love and doll worship.

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